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Top 7 After School Activities to Take Part inm Best 7 Dating Tips … From My Mother

Top 7 After School Activities to Take Part in …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 12:06 PM PDT

Finding things for the kids to do after school can take some research. I have a list of the top 7 after school activities to take part in for parents to search through. These are just ideas and may not be available to everyone, depending on their location. I always try to have ideas on hand for that occasional, 'I'm bored' statement that kids tend to come up with.

7. Swim Team

Swim Team
  Photo Credit: trvth

Not all towns have a swim team, but you'd be surprised at how many at least offer swim lessons at the public pool. There are many kids that never learn to swim and it can be such fun. Swim team helps kids learn to be better swimmers and to be involved in team sports at the same time. This is great exercise as well, which kids can never have too much of.

6. Basketball

  Photo Credit: Fispace

Even if kids don't like organized sports at school, many will at least get involved with basketball when friends are doing the same thing. This is true with many sports activities. There's just something different about being told they have to attend practice and games at school and playing a game for fun with the neighbor kids.

5. Painting

  Photo Credit: DrPhotoMoto

Whether it's with water colors, acrylics, tempera, or finger paints, enrolling in a painting class can bring out the artist in your child. I think that painting allows kids to be creative without having specific lines that need to be followed. Drawing often requires a set design to be made, whereas painting is very free-flowing. The imagination can simply go crazy with paints!

7 Ways to Protect Your Skin This Summer …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 11:57 AM PDT

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, with more than 2 million new cases reported every year in the U.S.? That's more than all other forms of cancer combined! And the leading cause of skin cancer is sun exposure. Even one sunburn in your life can more than double your chances of developing skin cancer! So now that summer's here, I've done some research and made this list of the 7 ways you can protect your skin this summer!

1. Avoid sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m

Avoid sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m
  Photo Credit: Tesla314

This is the time of day when the sun's rays are the strongest, so avoid outdoor activities during this time. For instance, put off mowing the lawn or doing gardening work, and do it in the evening or morning instead. If you do need or want to be outside during peak sun time, wear loose cotton clothing and a sunblock!

2. Apply sunblock every day, even on overcast days

Apply sunblock every day, even on overcast days
  Photo Credit: -Nicole-

Did you know you can get a sunburn even on a cloudy day, or in the middle of winter? You might not be thinking about sunblock when you're reaching for your umbrella, but for the best protection from the sun, you'll want to apply sunblock every day, not just when you're going to the beach.

3. Use the right sunblock

Use the right sunblock
  Photo Credit: andrĂ©

There are so many types of sunblock, you might not be sure what you need. For your scalp, use a gel sunblock. For your face, use a stick. For your arms and legs, use a cream or lotion. If you're going in the water, or will be doing exercise that might make you sweat, use a waterproof sunblock.

8 Famous Doggies I’d Love To Meet …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 11:17 AM PDT

I was watching TV with my puppy this week when I noticed how much he loves seeing other dogs on the TV. He gets so excited, and even jumps up at the screen! He's not usually very sociable, and prefers to have all the attention himself, so I was keen to see which dogs he'd love to meet. Here are our top 8 famous doggies we'd like over for tea…

1. Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby
  Photo Credit: National Galleries of Scotland Commons

Bobby is the symbol of loyality! When his owner died in 1858, Bobby decided to guard his grave. And he guarded it well, for fourteen years until his own death! Bobby only left his master's side to eat at a local restaurant, and in 1867, became the property of Edinburgh council, who decided to allow him to stay. He was such a cutie!

2. Pickles

  Photo Credit: W10

Pickles became a UK hero when he found the missing World Cup trophy in a London bush in 1966. It had been stolen from an exhibition at Westminster weeks earlier, and many were starting to doubt that the £300,000 trophy would be found. How happy would you be if your dog found £300,000?!

3. Laika

  Photo Credit: Coilhouse

Laika was the first dog to orbit the Earth! The stray was sent into Space in a Russian spaceship called the Sputnik 2, to judge whether humans could survive in Space. Unfortunately, Laika couldn't. Russian officials initially declared that she had died painlessly while in Orbit, but it was eventually discovered that she had overheated and panicked at died just after lift-off. Her story makes me cry…I'd love to give her a big cuddle!

8 Great Magazines To Keep You Up-To-Date …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 11:11 AM PDT

As women, we all love gossip, fashion, and beauty. So, when we found a small book that is refreshed every month- it was a miracle. We refer to these small books as magazines; and I'm here today to tell you of some very good magazines.

1. Vogue

Price: Subscribe; $18.00 at
As women, we all love gossip, fashion, and beauty. So, when we found a small book that is refreshed every month- it was a miracle. We refer to these small books as magazines; and I'm here today to tell you of some very good magazines.

2. Bust

Price: Subscribe; $19.95 at
Bust has a wide range of interesting stories, and women's news. Plus, fashion updates, beauty updates, sex updates and so much more. It even has a shop! It is filled with humorous and entertaining articles.

3. Cosmopolitan

Price: Subscribe; $15.00 at
Cosmo is the women's magazine of my life, it will always be my favourite. It constantly changes and appeals to a wider audience, plus, the women used within it are inspirational. Plus cosmopolitan are currently advertising that if you add an extra $5 to your subscription with them, you get issues of Elle aswell!

8 Sexiest Nail Polish …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 10:58 AM PDT

I do not know about you, but I am a big fan of nail polish! I like doing my own nails and coming up with unique ideas and ways to do my nails. If you love doing your own nails as well, then you're going to enjoy this post. Below, I am going to give you 8 sexiest nail polish…

8. POP Beauty Nail Glam

POP Beauty Nail Glam
Price: $14.00 at
Nail Glam is a new high intensity nail polish from POP. It comes in twenty dazzling new shades. It doesn't matter if you want that vampy looking black, classic tomato red, perfect rouge noir or fluorescent pink, POP beauty has it all. I like the bright pink nail polish from them, but I also like the black. I guess it all depends on the mood I am in.

7. Sephora By O.P.I

Sephora By O.P.I
Price: $9.00 at
Do you see all the different colors on here? You have Teal We Meet Again, Going Nude, Eh? A True Romantic, Go With the Flow-er, Screen Test and much more. Sephora By O.P.I. has so many sexy colors to choose from. Which one do you like the mose?

6. Essie – Big Spender Nail Polish

Essie - Big Spender Nail Polish
Price: $8.00 at
Essie is a well known brand of nail polish. They are known for offering the chip-resistant formula and lots of colors. The color choice is fully up to you. Essie introduces a collection of four new colors a year seasonally and they already have over 200 shades.

7 Reasons to Skip a Work-Out …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 10:35 AM PDT

A month or so ago, I couldn't get make it to the gym for an entire week, and the guilt was so extreme I actually woke up once in the middle of the night. I just couldn't make time that week, so rather than rush through my workout and possibly injure myself, I stayed away from the gym. There are valid reasons for skipping the gym, and if you can't go, try not to feel guilty, like I did! Here's my list of 7 reasons to skip a workout! Think of these as a free pass…

1. Illness

  Photo Credit: kirikiri

If you're not feeling well, you shouldn't be working out, especially if you're running a fever or if you're contagious. You won't get a good workout anyway, you'll only lengthen your illness, and you might even make someone else sick! Rest for a few days, and get back to the gym when you're feeling better!

2. Injury

  Photo Credit: Mike and Sue Wright

If you've been injured or have been under a doctor's care, always check with your doctor before you head back to the gym. Chances are, if you've suffered a serious injury, your doctor will recommend physical therapy, which is a great way to get your workout groove back.

3. Pain

  Photo Credit: Tonya Evans

If you're experiencing pain in any of your joints or muscles during a workout, you ought to stop. Listen to your body! You'll know the difference between normal workout muscle stress and something more serious. Always stop if you experience sharp sudden pain, and don't work out again until you find out what's wrong!

7 Tips For the Best Self Tan Ever …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 09:53 AM PDT

Glowing, sexy skin is easier to reach now more than ever! Before, you had to bake in the sun for hours, sweating, roasting, and pretty much suffering with boredom! Now, you can get a tan at the drug store! Here are my best tips for making your tan in a can look great!

1. Use a spray

Use a spray
  Photo Credit: almostcin

Lotions and creams have been available for years. But, you have to apply them carefully and evenly. Try a spray on version. They are easier to apply and require very little blending.

2. Exfoliate first

Exfoliate first
  Photo Credit: Temporary high.

First, shave your legs and underarms. Exfoliate with an oil-free scrub. Rinse well and towel dry thoroughly.

3. Protect hairline and brows

Protect hairline and brows
  Photo Credit: soapdeligirl

Apply lotion to your hairline and brows. Also, cover place like elbows, knees, and heels with a light coat of lotion. This prevents dry places from absorbing too much color and end up looking blotchy.

8 Drinks That Can Boost Your Health …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 07:00 AM PDT

Feeling thirsty? Well, I love Pepsi Max, and tend to drink litres of the stuff. There are much healthier options you can go for, though, and the health benefits that you can gain are immense. From natural heart boosters to herbal pain remedies, there is a drink that will do you wonders. Here are my top eight…

1. Benecol Fruit and Dairy Smoothie

Benecol Fruit and Dairy Smoothie
Price: $8 at
These delicious drinks help to lower your cholesterol, which means your heart will be getting healthier while you enjoy it! It's an odd drink…its thick, and tastes like fruity yoghurt, but it's so nice! It reduces cholesterol by up to 14%, is low in fat and counts as one of your five a day. I love them!

2. RDA Organic Fresh Functional Superfruit Drinks

RDA Organic Fresh Functional Superfruit Drinks
Price: $3 at
The fruits used in these smoothies are picked because they are high in antioxidants, and polypenols. They also contain 'UK Superfruit' apples, which contain flavanols. The verdict? They are super heart-healthy, and give you a very healthy and functional cardiovascular system. They are also pretty tasting!

3. Napiers Back Ache Blend Tea

Napiers Back Ache Blend Tea
Price: $18 at
This tea is carefully blended with a range of herbs that are picked to help relieve back pain. It's a natural alternative to painkillers, and contains special herbs such as Cramp Bark and Pulsatilla. They are renowned for calming nerves and relieving muscle and joint pain, and I've really found them useful for my back. My favourite bit is the lovely spearmint taste, though, which is really refreshing!

7 Best Emergency Contraceptives…

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 06:28 AM PDT

There are dozens of brands of emergency contraceptive pills, also known as “the morning after” pills, that are available throughout the world. These pills are hormonal contraceptives that have been approved, packaged and specifically sold for emergency contraception.

If you have unprotected sex and you take an emergency contraceptive within seventy two hours, then you have a pretty good chance of preventing pregnancy. No one is perfect, so I decided to write this blog for you on 7 best emergency contraceptives. Personally, I have never had to use them, but I know many who have had experience with them. Take note that some of these contraceptives may not be available in your country. I am going to give a list of pills as well as the country I know that it is available in. I am not just basing this post for girls in the USA. Continue forward to learn 7 of the best emergency contraceptives.

7. IUS (Coil)

IUS (Coil)
This first one is not a "pill," it is the IUD (coil) and can be inserted up to five days after you have had unprotected sex.

6. Levonelle

This is a pill that has levonorgestrel in it, which is known for being a progestogen hormone. You can get it from a prescription or you can go to pharmacies and purchase it without showing a prescription. The usual dose you will need to take is one pill, which will contain 1.5 mg of Levonorgestrel. Take note that there are some women that need a higher dose when they are taking certain medications. As an example, if you are taking certain anti-epilepsy medicines, then you will need a higher dose. This is something you will need to discuss with your pharmacy.

10 Weird Celebrity Baby Names …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 06:18 AM PDT

Okay, we expect celebrities to be a bit excessive and entertain us by doing strange things. However, they do have an unfortunate tendency to take this to extremes when it comes to naming their children. Unfortunate for the child, that is, but wildly entertaining for us.


I sometimes think that Nicholas Cage wins hands down. Naming your son after Superman? No, he didn't actually name the sprog Superman, but Kal-el, which is apparently Superman's name on Krypton. Not much of an improvement really.


Apple. Where is this one coming from? Try as I might, I cannot discern the train of thought that led Gwyneth Paltrow and Thingy from Coldplay to name their daughter after a fruit. Flowers, yes. Fruit … best not.


Actually, it's just occurred to me. Blame Bob Geldof and Paula Yates for calling their second daughter Peaches. Fortunately this did not start an epidemic of fruit-monickered children – poor little Apple seems to be the only fellow sufferer.

7 Best Emergency Contraceptives…

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 06:15 AM PDT

There are tons of brands of emergency contraceptive pills, also known as morning after pills, that are available throughout the world. These pills are hormonal contraceptives that have been approved, packaged and specifically sold for emergency contraception.

If you have unprotected sex and you take an emergency contraceptive within seventy two hours, then you have a pretty good chance of preventing pregnancy. No one is perfect, so I decided to write this blog for you on the 7 best emergency contraceptives. Personally, I have never had to use them, but I know many who have had experience with them. Take note that some of these contraceptives may not be available in your country. I am going to give a list of pills as well as the country I know that it is available in. I am not just basing this post for girls in the USA. Continue forward to learn 7 of the best emergency contraceptives.

7. IUS (Coil)

IUS (Coil)
This first one is not a "pill," it is the IUD (coil) and can be inserted up to five days after you have had unprotected sex.

6. Levonelle

This is a pill that has levonorgestrel in it, which is known for being a progestogen hormone. You can get it from a prescription or you can go to pharmacies and purchase it without showing a prescription. The usual dose you will need to take is one pill, which will contain 1.5 mg of Levonorgestrel. Take note that there are some women who need a higher dose when they are taking certain medications. As an example, if you are taking certain anti-epilepsy medicines, then you will need a higher dose. This is something you will need to discuss with your pharmacy.

8 Weird Beauty Facts You’ll Never Believe …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 04:23 AM PDT

Beauty is an odd thing. What's new and unique today could be outdated and tacky tomorrow, and some crazes just never take off… shaving off half your hair, anyone? After helping design a Victorian beauty project I was surprised to learn some facts about 'old' beauty, and I've been digging up some more… here are 8 weird beauty facts you'll never believe.

1. Egypt

  Photo Credit: photobenedict

'Make Up Artist' is a term believed to have originated in Egypt, and is taken from the hieroglyph “sesh.” It means “to engrave” …well, there is certainly a lot of accuracy involved!

2. Perfume

  Photo Credit: FanFan 凡凡

Perfume has been around for decades, but during Ancient Egyptian times, it wasn't just to make a woman smell lovely. Made from flowers, honey, wine and berries, perfumes were also drunk as a medicine, to solve kidney, lung, intestinal and liver problems.

3. Foods

  Photo Credit: A.Alshatti

Ancient Greek women have a solution for every problem. Acne? Just apply curdled milk. Freckles? Cucumber juice. Wrinkles? Crocodile fat should sort them out. I'm so glad we have anti wrinkle creams now!

Best 7 Dating Tips … From My Mother …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 02:41 AM PDT

My mother always has the best advice about everything, from kids to clothes to cooking and even about men and dating. I would never have admitted this when I was a teenager, but her relationship advice was always spot on. Here are the 7 best dating tips from my mother, to you!

1. If a boy likes you, nothing will stop him from calling you

If a boy likes you, nothing will stop him from calling you
  Photo Credit: Christopher Pattberg

This can be updated a little to say "if a boy likes you, nothing will stop him from calling, texting, e-mailling, IM'ing, or Facebooking you." It's true. If a boy likes you, he will be in touch, no matter what. No excuses.

2. If he doesn't call within three days, he's not going to call

If he doesn't call within three days, he's not going to call
  Photo Credit: Damon Duncan

Even if you think the two of you had the most amazing first date, if you don't hear from him within three days, you won't (unless you call). Some boys (especially the ones who aren't worth having) are too afraid or lazy to tell a girl they're not interested, and will simply not call.

3. If he treats his mother and sister disrespectfully, he'll treat you the same way

If he treats his mother and sister disrespectfully, he'll treat you the same way
  Photo Credit: melissa..

If a boy is disrespectful to his mother, and treats his sister poorly (even his annoying little sister), then expect to be treated the same by him. If he doesn't respect his mother, then he likely won't respect other women.

9 Weird Items People Buy on eBay…

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 02:25 AM PDT

Boy, you find some weird things on eBay, usually when searching for the most innocuous items. Here are some items you probably will never want to purchase …

1. 'Tell your girlfriend I said thanks' condom case

'Tell your girlfriend I said thanks' condom case
Yeah, that really solves the perennial problem of what to buy a man for Christmas …

2. Pendant with succubus spirit

Pendant with succubus spirit
The disclaimer in the listing notes that the item is not recommended for anyone with a heart condition, and may cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Oooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay … Still, if you want to throw away £63 + postage …

3. A bag of breath

Alas, at the time of writing this auction is about to finish, but if you're lucky the seller may relist. Plus there is presumably an inexhaustible supply.

7 Tips on Taking Beautiful Digital Photographs …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 12:47 AM PDT

Do you have trouble taking good pictures with your digital camera? You may have been taking photographs for years, but have never got those beautiful photos that you want. Below, I am going to give you 7 tips on taking beautiful digital photographs…

7. Know your camera

Know your camera
  Photo Credit: TalkingTree

It is always important that you know your camera. You buy the latest one out there, come home, rip open the box and fiddle with the device. You should take time to read through that manual, study it! If you buy it, then you owe it to yourself to learn about it. The manual is there for a reason.

6. Learn how to control your flash

Learn how to control your flash
  Photo Credit: B℮n

One of the most important things to learn would be how to control the flash. I hate relying on that automatic flash. When taking outdoor photos, it would be a good idea to turn the flash on in order to illuminate the subject. This is especially true if they are in the shade. Sometimes, when you use the flash indoors, this can result in unnatural skin color and those harsh glares on the photographs.

5. Play with the macro mode

Play with the macro mode
  Photo Credit: Zulpha

Nearly every digital camera will have a macro mode. This is great for taking close up shots of objects such as insects or flowers. On the Canon PowerShot S500 I have, this is represented by a flower icon. Pic a subject, then turn the macro on. Get as close to it as your camera will allow you to. Before depressing the shutter button, make sure the camera is focused properly.

8 Menswear-Inspired Looks …

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Everywhere I look, I see tailored vests and crisp white oxfords, or boyfriend blazers and pinstripe pants… the menswear trend is hot right now, and I love the look! Not sure how to get the look without looking too masculine or over-the-top? Here's a handy list of 8 menswear-inspired looks to give you some ideas!

1. Helmut Lang Smoking Wool-Blend Tux Vest

Helmut Lang Smoking Wool-Blend Tux Vest
Price: $345 at
I love this vest because it's so different than everything else out there. The cap sleeves, the cropped back, the slightly elongated and very flattering front. Pair with your darkest skinny jeans, or with cute pin-stripe short s and tall sandals. Perfect!

2. Vivienne Westwood Red Label Bold-Shouldered Wool-Blend Jacket

Vivienne Westwood Red Label Bold-Shouldered Wool-Blend Jacket
Price: $835 at
IS it a shapely, menswear-inspired jacket? Or a slinky nipped vest? Actually, it's both! All that's missing is your choice of bottoms and of course, a crisp white shirt. Play up your femininity with ruffles or lace, and pair with a bold, pretty necklace.

3. Day Birger et Mikkelsen Tail-Detail Cotton-Blend Waistcoat

Day Birger et Mikkelsen Tail-Detail Cotton-Blend Waistcoat
Price: $300 at
Some of us are blessed with perfect, round derrieres. If you're one for the lucky ones, show off that round bottom with a long-tailed vest! Leave it open at the front and wear with a tiny tee and inky black jeans… sexy, and not at all masculine!

8 Luscious Homemade Spa Treatments …

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 11:32 PM PDT

Everyone needs a little me time every now and then. Around where I live, there isn't spa close enough to visit. So I have created a collection of homemade spa treatments to enjoy at home. Not only will these indulgences infuse your bath with yummy aroma, but you will save money and pamper yourself in the privacy of your own home. Ready to relax?

1. Chocolate Body Scrub

Chocolate Body Scrub
Photo Credit: Bu_Saif

You will want to eat this it smells so heavenly! Use this in the shower and watch your skin emerge with a more youthful, smoother feel.

¼ cup canola oil, ½ cup sugar (it must be raw sugar) and 2 Tbs. cocoa powder. Mix together and remember to use by 4 weeks.

2. Coconut Body Custard

Coconut Body Custard
Photo Credit: MeetaK

This lotion will heal and restore lost moisture because of he fatty acids in the coconut milk. Plus the decadent smell will whisk you away to an island retreat.

¼ cup coconut milk, 1 cup unscented body cream, 2 drops vanilla extract. Mix well and use within 5 days.

3. Vanilla Ice Cream Body Oil

Vanilla Ice Cream Body Oil
Photo Credit: cannelle-vanille

Massage oil and body sheen in one! You will feel as if you are at a summer picnic eating homemade ice cream. The delicate and pleasing smell of vanilla is sensational.

¼ cup almond oil, 2 drops vanilla, and 2 drops almond oil. Store in the refrigerator for 5 days.

8 Gorgeous Candles …

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 11:29 PM PDT

I love candles for so many reasons — the romantic glow, the gorgeous colors, and of course, the exotic scents! But I don't want to burn or display the same candles as everyone else, so I avoid buying them from Yankee Candle and the like. I prefer to buy candles from somewhere a little different… and you can too! Here's my list of 8 gorgeous candles, all from somewhere other than Target or Yankee Candle!

1. Naturalist's Notebook Candle

Naturalist's Notebook Candle
Price: $36 at
I love candles in glass jars because they're usually so gorgeous, and this one is no exception! I love the rich, deep red color, exactly how I imagine a ripe papaya would look. If you don't fancy red, try the green lily petals (green), lilac dandelion (purple), or white tea and thyme (blue)versions. All four are beautiful, exotic, and smells so good!

2. Skeem Tropical Escape Candle

Skeem Tropical Escape Candle
Price: $36 at
This is another pretty candle in a clear glass jar, perfect for display and for burning for scent! Choose from three colors/scents: sweet pea vanilla (green), dune sage (blue) or blood orange (orange). All come in a vintage-inspired nautical theme jar and burn for 80 hours.

3. Half-Shell Candle

Half-Shell Candle
Price: $32 at
This pretty little candle and holder would look at home perched atop a bookcase or mantel in a room with a maritime theme, perhaps mermaids of sea-shells? This candle is made of paraffin and has a 15 hour burn time. Once you're done burning the candle, the dish makes a pretty holder for trinkets and treasures.

Top 10 crafts for your child …

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 12:39 PM PDT

Thankfully, kids are easily entertained. I try to have a list of things for them to do, just in case they tell me they are bored. I thought I might share my ideas with you, so that you will have a collection of top 10 crafts for your child. There are so many more than what I have listed below, but this should be a great start to your ongoing list of craft activities.

10. Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls
  Photo Credit: star1950

These can be as elaborate or as simple as you like. If you have access to clothing magazines, then you can use the models in the magazines for the dolls. Additional clothes can be cut out from the same magazines, since the shirts and such are usually shown in a size that will fit the model in the picture. Kids also enjoy making their own doll and clothes to fit. I find that cutting the doll out of paper board makes it less likely to tear. You can use an empty cereal box to cut the doll shape out of, and then draw clothes on either the same paper board or construction paper. Attaching clothing to the doll can be done with either magnets or Velcro. Be sure to use small pieces of either of these, otherwise it might be hard for your child to get the clothing on and off easily.

9. Picture Frame

Picture Frame
  Photo Credit: eriwst

Making a picture frame is a craft that can be used for any holiday activity or just for fun. Even if you don’t have a particular picture that needs to be framed, your child can draw something to go inside the frame instead. The frame should be cut from something stiff enough to hold its shape, such as a cereal box, cardboard box, the thick cover or back of a spiral notebook, or the side of an oatmeal container. I kind of like the artsy curve that the oatmeal container gives to the frame. The frame can be decorated with sequences, glitter, beads, buttons, small knick knacks from around the house, or colored noodles.

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