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6 Amazing Animals from the Galapagos Islands, 5 Major Health Issues You Should Be Aware Of

6 Amazing Animals from the Galapagos Islands …

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 11:29 AM PDT

My little sister had some homework a few nights ago, about which animals she would love to see that are not native to the UK or America. Most of her class chose the same animals, safari animals and the rare artic animal. It got me thinking about animals' I'd love to see, though, and I 'discovered' the Galapagos Islands. There is amazing wildlife there! Here are my favourites…

1. Red-Footed Booby

Red-Footed Booby
Photo Credit: Wiggum03

This famous bird is often used as a symbol of the Galapagos Islands, and it's not hard to see why! It's the only seabird known that has gripping feet, and they can be seen in their hundreds on the Genovesa Island. Curious about the name? Booby comes from the Spanish word for 'Silly'.

2. Sealion

Photo Credit: matt duke

Sealions are gorgeous, but the baby ones are irresistible! The Island is full of very friendly sealions, and many tours offer you the chance to go up close and personal to them and say hello! If you can plan your trip to be in line with the babies being born, you are sure to get some photos to remember! They are so playful…Sealions are adorable!

3. Land Iguana

Land Iguana
Photo Credit: Tristan27

Land Iguana's are stunning things…they cover the Island, and come in many gorgeous colours! They look a little scary, and the males can be up to a metre long, but they are vegetarians and survive on a prickly pear diet. The territorial fights can be stunning to watch…the males headbutt each other! I have an iguana and two geckos, so I'd love to see how they compare to these huge beasts!

5 Major Health Issues You Should Be Aware Of …

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 08:59 AM PDT

A recent survey shows that young women are the healthiest group of people, on the whole. You'd be surprised to know how many regularly put their health at risk though, through working too hard or lazy sex habits. Scientists have predicted that these habits will cause a rise in the number of major health problems faced by young women, if they don't begin to respect their bodies more. Want to see how nice you are being to yours? Here are the major health issues you should be aware of…

1. Stress

Stress is a very serious issue if you suffer from it too frequently. From busy careers to frantic and never-ending social lives, young women are constantly living in chaos, and many don't realize that this isn't right. The symptoms? Extreme anxiety, fatigue and insomnia, which can all heavily impact on your life. So whatever you are stressing about, give yourself some scheduled time to rewind your batteries and just be. Your body deserves it!

2. Eating Problems

4% of young women suffer from an eating problem, from anorexic to bulimia. However there are other, less known, issues too. Erratic eating, slashing calories by cutting out food groups and unrealistic daily calorie limits are big problems, that are horribly common. Is it just wanting to be slim that fires this obsession? Psychologists think not, stating that women need control, and fitting into that certain outfit brings some control and perfection. Take a few moments to think about your own eating habits, and what you could do to love your body a bit more.

3. STDs

I remember when STDs were treated like the plague, and anyone with one was regarded as slightly unclean… an unfair outlook, in most cases, but scarily, cases of STDs are on the rise. One in four young women has an STD, and many carry on sleeping with men as they recover, passing the illness around. The scariest fact? Herpes is on the rise, and once you've got it, it doesn't go away. If you think its embarrassing carrying a condom, try googling herpes, and imagining how you'd explain that…

7 Reasons to Buy Local …

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 08:08 AM PDT

As consumers, we have so many choices! We can decide when, and more importantly, where we want to shop! We can buy from big, nationwide or international chain stores, regional places, or even local small businesses. They all have their advantages, of course, but I always prefer to buy local. Why? Here are my 7 reasons to buy local…

1. It supports your friends and neighbors

It supports your friends and neighbors
Photo Credit: `aya73aya`

If you buy your produce from a local farmer, or eat at a local café, or join a small gym, you're helping to keep your friends and neighbors in business. These people live in your town, their children go to the same schools as your children, and you often wait behind them in line at the post office. Every dollar you spend with them means they get to stay part of your community!

2. Does Wal-Mart really need more money?

Does Wal-Mart really need more money?
Photo Credit: Jeff Holbrook

Wal-Mart is the single biggest private employer in the world, with more earnings annually than anyone else. Do they really need the money you spend there? No, they don't. Furthermore, their trade and employment practices, which some call unfair, are the reason they can afford to sell you that cheap $5 tee-shirt… which will fall apart the third time you wash it… and there are really no advantages to joining Bally's over joining the small, local gym that's owned by a guy who lives around the block.

3. It's better for the environment

It's better for the environment
Photo Credit: happyapplepoison.

Buying locally also means you're not driving very far (you might even be riding your bike or walking!), which means you're not emitting nearly as many pollutants into the air… which is better for the environment!

7 Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure …

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 06:27 AM PDT

We all get older as time goes by and tend to have low blood sugar, watching our cholesterol or even watching out for high blood pressure is important. There is medicine that can lower blood pressure, but that’s not all that needs to be changed. Why not use a home remedy that helps control high blood pressure? I have some knowledge to provide you for controlling your high blood pressure with home remedies.

7. Cut down on salt

Cut down on salt
Photo Credit: BreadnBadger

Using the right diet has always been one of the most common ways to control high blood pressure. If you like spices such as salt, you will need to learn how to cut down or find an alternative. Personally, I use salt for certain foods, but never go hog wild on it. Sodium is the number one way to increase high blood pressure. To avoid this, use alternate salts or go with recipes that have low sodium. Also, we find avoiding certain box foods can be helpful, because these are loaded with preservatives.

6. Don’t drink Alcohol or cut down

Don't drink Alcohol or cut down
Photo Credit: therockphotography

I personally don’t drink, but when it comes to my loved ones that have high blood pressure, they will tell me that alcohol is one of the things that highers their blood pressure. Yes, cutting down on drinking can help, but do you have to stop all the way and never drink again. Well, you don’t have to quit drinking, but you need to stop after 2 or 3 drinks. Wine can be healthy for many things, but over doing can lead to high blood pressure. So, watch how much you drink ladies or men!

5. Controlling your weight

Controlling your weight
Photo Credit: leotap

Your weight has always been one of the most common ways to be healthy, but when it comes to high blood pressure, controlling your weight is needed. You should be on a diet, maintaining the healthy weight, and exercising. You do all these; you will control your diet. Obesity is hard to fight and needs to be handled if you have high blood pressure.

10 Ways to NOT Look Like a Tourist Abroad…

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Some people, when they travel abroad, might as well have a giant arrow pointing to their head saying 'I'm a tourist!'. Here are my top 10 tips on how to avoid joining their numbers.

1. Tourist Shirts

Do not, under any circumstances, buy a t-shirt with the name of the place you are visiting. What are you, a human postcard?

2. Weather-Ready


Dress according to the weather, not how you think the weather should be. Heavy rain is common in Barcelona in spring, and the sight of tourists in shorts affords much amusement. Well, it should be warm in the Med, right?

Photo Credit: rachel sian

3. Mapping Out

Be discreet in the use of maps. Not only are you showing that you are a tourist, but that you have no idea where you are. You might as well shout, 'I'm lost! Come and rob me!'

Photo Credit: gillian villa (•Cycling Trivialities)

7 Must Stalk Lingerie Posts …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 08:00 PM PDT

Lingerie..there’s one for every mood and every occasion and they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend?! Well maybe us women have more than one best friend! :D For now, I bring to you my favorite lingerie blog posts…

7. Ah. Cleavage!


Did you know that 8 out of 10 women wear bras that are not the right size? Shocking right??  I cannot emphasize the need to wear the right sized bra. Even the hottest lingerie looks…well… blah if it doesn’t fit well. So let’s begin by figuring out the much misunderstood art of bra fitting. Simple instructions that are so easy to follow….Grab a tape and click away…

6. What’s your lingerie personality?


Just a fun quiz to know what your lingerie personality is. I’m apparently a Lingerie Flirt. Other personalities include the Vixen, the Cozy Cutie, the Olympian,the Sophisticate and the Romantic. Curious to know which one you are?

5. 2009 Undie Award Winners


I usually detest shopping for jeans the most but a close second is lingerie! And I know there are plenty like me out there. Would it help if you knew what 20,000 other consumers thought were the best options out there? I’d imagine so. So here is a list of lingerie that has been tried, tested and awarded by other women just like us…

4. Corset Couture


Nothing can highlight the curves of a woman quite like a corset. And now, René Geneva who won the Critics' Choice Best Designer and Best Women's Designer at the Austin Fashion awards brings to you a range of gorgeous eco-friendly, organic (yes you heard me right!) corsets that you simply have to check out! A tad expensive for me but hey if you have a special occasion coming up and the money to spend, I’d definitely recommend a peep.

3. Bordelle


If like me, you thought bondage was only for the twistedly brave, think again… Designers are now seeking inspiration from bondage to make innovative, edgy, amazing lingerie that combines the dark element of bondage with a sophistication that you’d have to see to believe. Also check out this post for more bondage inspired lingerie.

2. What Katie Did


Vintage… Pin up glamor… burlesque inspired fashion all make my heart skip a beat. I mean there’s nothing sexier or saucier….NOTHING! So if you are in a mood to get brave and turn up the sexy quotient, do check out this UK based lingerie brand that is now available in the United States through mademoiselle Frou Frou (God bless her heart!)

1. The Boudoir Divas


Wondering what to gift your special someone on that upcoming special occasion? Well here’s an idea. How about a bunch of professionally clicked semi-nude boudoir style pictures of yourself?  Meet Marissa, Crystal and Deena who can actually make this possible. It doesn’t matter what size or shape you are, you can trust them to make you look divine! So go on, be brave and make an appointment pronto! I can already see his tongue wag… :D

7 Ways to Encourage a Friend on a Diet …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 06:00 PM PDT

Chances are if you have friends, one or more of them is dieting at any given time. As we all know, dieting is really difficult, taking endless willpower and determination. So be a good friend and encourage her! Not sure how? I can help… here's my list of 7 ways to encourage a friend on a diet!

1. Don't tempt her!

Don't tempt her!
Photo Credit: c.zwerg

The last thing a friend on a diet wants is to have to watch one of their friends to eat a big chunk of chocolate cake with double-fudge fondant frosting. So, please, if you have a friend on a diet, try not to eat junk food in front of her! She won't want the extra temptation…

2. Don't tell her "just one is okay"

Don't tell her
Photo Credit: theladymargaret

If you do decide to eat junk food in front of your dieting friend, try NOT to assuage your guilt by offering her some, and if you do, and she declines, take the hint! Don't pressure her into sharing with you by telling her "just one bite is okay." For you, one bite might be satisfying, but for her, it might just be torture!

3. Tell her how great she looks

Tell her how great she looks
Photo Credit: Re✫rVieWmiRRr

Most people diet because they want to change their appearance, not just because they're trying to be more healthy. So one great way to encourage a friend on a diet is to give her a genuine, sincere compliment on her appearance.

Top 8 Things to do on Memorial Day …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 03:58 PM PDT

Memorial Day 2010 is coming up right around the corner. Before you know it, it will be the end of May. Generally, this is the day that kicks off those fun summer events. So, what do you plan on doing? You're not sure? Well, below, I am going to tell you some things that I think would be great Memorial Day activities.

8. Hang out at the pool

Hang out at the pool
Photo Credit: Stefan’s Page

Who doesn't like swimming? When the weather is hot outside, that is a sure sign that it is time to jump in the pool. Surely, there is a public pool in your area. If not, then you can always set one up in your yard!

7. Have a Bar-B-Que

Have a Bar-B-Que
Photo Credit: NicnBill

BBQ food is good! Break out with the grill, get the family together and grill some food! Memorial Day is the top BBQ food day. At least, it is on my list!

6. Put up a "Gone Fishing" sign

Put up a
Photo Credit: B℮n

Who here likes fishing? It can be a very peaceful time. It's also fun to do with the family. If you want to get in touch with the great outdoors, then fishing is great. Remember, you do not have to keep the fish, catch and release is just as fun.