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8 Ways To Get Sexy Cleavage, 7 Ways To Improve Your Confidence

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 12:03 PM PDT
For some looks, cleavage is a necessity. Ever seen a celebrity in a jumpsuit without a push up bra and a low cut neckline? Well, it isn't pretty! When the aim of the look is femininity and sexiness, enhancing your assets is necessary for looking as good as possible, but you can definitely over enhance! I've been searching for the best ways to get sexy cleavage, without looking like a porn star.

1. Underwire

  Photo Credit: canadianimmigrant2001
Underwiring is a necessity for small boobs. Dresses such as this one, which offers half support, give boobs a much needed boost, and make them 'fit' the dress. No underwiring, and you risk looking flat chested but that's not the worst part…heavy fabric can easily squish boobs, and give the illusion of uneven boobs and a very wide gap. Go for something with a structured top, and with underwiring, to keep your shape.

2. V Neck

V Neck
  Photo Credit: One Source Talent Com
If you have larger boobs, avoid bandeau tops, and anything that will put have to stretch across your boobs. It'll give the effect of mono-boob, and you even risk popping out. Instead, go for a V neck, which will offer you the right support and show off just the right amount of cleavage, too. I love Jennifer's dress, she looks stunning!

3. Gathered Material

Gathered Material
As this picture of Ellen Pompeo shows, gathered fabric is great for creating the illusion of bigger boobs. Ellen's dress is gorgeous, combining loosely gathered fabric but also a long, sexy slit, which adds drama and elegance to the dress without it looking at all inappropriate. Pale colours are also great for this, as they'll give a feminine edge to the look. Stronger colours will have less of an impact, so choose your colour scheme carefully!
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 11:24 AM PDT
Self esteem is vitally important for a fulfilling life, but the modern world seems to chip away at it daily, and its surprisingly easy to wake up with none. I've been there, and it takes a long time to build it back up from nothing…I've been looking into the top confidence killers, and how exactly we can stop them becoming a problem. Here's what I discovered…

1. Body Image

Body Image
  Photo Credit: Rebecca George
People automatically look at the areas they dislike when they look in the mirror. This starts to create a negative pattern, and eventually you'll be unable to look at yourself. Cancel it out by looking at the parts you do like, and telling yourself why you look good. Everybody changes as they get older, but these changes are good…you'll always have your amazing features, and other people will be jealous!

2. The Unknown

The Unknown
  Photo Credit: Christine Lebrasseur
The unknown is scary, and it is typical to imagine everything going wrong, which can cause nervousness. Instead, visualize the event going well, and you enjoying yourself. Feel yourself sit up straight, pull your shoulders up and be confident. Think about how you can prevent the worst case scenario, and take steps towards this. This might not make you enjoy the event, but it'll make it relatively pain free.

3. Bad Memories

Bad Memories
  Photo Credit: AndrĂ© Elias
If your luck is so bad that you think you must have broken a mirror, you need to stop your sadness-spiral. Think of what isn't going your way, and list small, manageable steps to change it. Get out your photo albums, talk to friends, have tea at home with your parents. Do things that remind you of the good times, and work towards making these times good too.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 11:17 AM PDT
When I walk down the street, certain women always stand out to me. Simply because they have more confidence. They walk through a crowd with their head held high, posture great, with bright dresses on- looking stunning. & then there’s me, walks IN the crowd trying to hide myself, head down, slouched, wearing my skinny jeans and a hoody. The only way to describe this look on me is, “boyboyboyboyboy”. It struck me a few months back that what I desperately require is self-confidence; something we all need to feel healthy in mind and body. Therefore, I thought of some advice that will help gain self-confidence. Here they are;

1. Splash out on clothes you love

Splash out on clothes you love
Whenever I buy a new outfit, I race home to try it on. I always find that after racing home to try it on -and feeling great- I always want to go out somewhere in it, I become liberated at the thought of showing myself off to the world. This is why this option is number one on my list; I don’t know about you, but everyone I know feels great in new clothes and can’t wait to stand out in a crowd with them.
  Photo Credit: code poet

2. Do something that takes your mind away from yourself

Do something that takes your mind away from yourself
If I feel upset or low I always find a quite field and read, or admire the beauty. I really advise doing this if you feel upset about your body, or just general life. It’ll make you feel vibrant and refreshed. Plus, it’ll restore your faith in natural beauty; flowers are one of the most stunning images I know- they do not require foundation or eyeliner.
  Photo Credit: JBrealow

3. Do something you're confident you're good at

Do something you're confident you're good at
If you know that you can do well at something, then go for it! I enjoy playing tennis -and I suppose I’m alright at it- therefore, when I’m feeling low I play tennis. It takes my mind off things and it makes me feel good about myself. Also, dancing. Dancing requires no skill- you do not have to be good at it to do it. Running round and flailing your limbs could be classed as dancing. When I dance to a really happy song, I feel great after. It’s what I did before all of my exams this year. Proven to work.
  Photo Credit: Mrs Brownhorse / Baby Brownhorse
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 10:52 AM PDT
I do not like wearing flat shoes, unless I am at the lake or beach. I like wearing high heels. If you enjoy wearing high heels, then you are going to like this blog post. I am going to show you 10 sexy high heels that I love to wear.

10. Casadei Women’s 8411 High Heel Mule Sandal

Casadei Women's 8411 High Heel Mule Sandal
Price: $325.05 at
With these gorgeous shoes made by Casedei, you will definitely be putting some spring into your step. The slender straps, blooming embellishment and open toe all make this the perfect flirty sandal. It would go great with evening wear, but you could also wear them with those day dresses. The sexy stiletto takes the look to the top. These are comfortable shoes with a lightly padded insole.

9. Pedro suede wedges

Pedro suede wedges
Price: $455.00 at
I'm a pretty big fan of wedges. While I do not agree with the yellow color, I do like the style and must say that they are great for summertime fun. They would look great with a mini dress. Nonetheless, they are stylish and comfortable. What more would a girl want in a shoe?

8. Leather cutout sandals

Leather cutout sandals
Price: $475.00 at
With these shoes, you will be defining your feet. These crocodile pattern leather cutout sandals will be a big hit at any event you attend. The heel measures approximately five inches. So, do you dig these?
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 10:32 AM PDT
In my humble opinion, the media and our culture as a whole poisons us women against our own bodies. We all want to be thinner, taller, younger-looking. But why? Our bodies are amazing, and so what if we don't all look the same? Here are 7 reasons to love your body just the way it is…

1. You're your own worst critic

You're your own worst critic
  Photo Credit: Victoria Zeoli
I hate the little roll of fat UNDER the curve of my butt. A friend of mine hates the little flab under her arms. But you know what? I never thought her arms looked flabby and she never noticed that mini-roll under my butt. We notice the things about ourselves, and hate them, but no-one else does. We're our own worst, harshest critics, for no good reason!

2. It's in your genes

It's in your genes
  Photo Credit: Clikchick (Tracy Allyn Photography)
I get my thighs from my Gran and my flat chest from my mother, just like my green eyes. Some of our physical traits are handed down with our blood types, and are just as impossible to change. But I don't mind so much anymore… when I see my mother or Gran, do I even care about their thighs? Nope.

3. It can do amazing things

It can do amazing things
  Photo Credit: Franca Alejandra
Your body is meant to be round and feminine and soft in some places, because it was designed for bearing and nurturing children. And there is nothing more miraculous or marvelous than that, is there? So enjoy those curves, because that's a clear indication of how incredibly womanly and feminine you are!
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 07:07 AM PDT
I have always wanted to visit Africa. Not only do they have some amazing traditions and celebrations over there, but the wildlife is fantastic! Whether you are looking for cute and fluffy or dangerous and fascinating, there is something that everyone will love, and they are usually surprisingly easy to see. These are my 8 favourites…

1. Cheetah

Okay, so this one is doubly cute because it's a baby, and has a fluffy head. The adults are amazing too, though! They are the fastest land animal, running at speeds of 113km an hour, and have amazing eyesight. They are carnivores, and mainly feast on small animals, such as hares. They tend to belong to packs, and 'protect' a territory of around 35 square metres. They purr, growl, bark and hiss, but cannot roar like a lion, and typically have four cubs at a time. The best fact? They can go from 0 – 70 in 2 seconds! Wow.

2. Giraffe

  Photo Credit: ucumari
At school, I always wanted a giraffe. They'd be so useful! They tend to be between four and six metres high, and live for around 28 years. They are fairly fast, running at 55km per hour, and survive from leaves and fruit found at the tops of trees. They only drink water, but can survive for long periods without any. They have blue tongues which can be as long as 40cm, and travel in loose herds, to protect each other. Adult giraffes have no real predators, but will use their necks as a hammer if necessary, or kick out with their front legs. And the babies are adorable!

3. Lion

  Photo Credit: ucumari
Lions are surprisingly large animals, with males standing at 1.2 metres tall, and weighing 190kg. The females are slightly smaller, and visibly different, as they have no mane. They hunt in prides, which usually contain a few dominant males, and lots of females. Despite the male lion being stronger, and heavier, the females do most of the hunting. They hunt small animals, such as zebras and wildebeest, but in groups will attack larger animals such as small elephants, giraffes and hippos. If they are starving, they will also hunt mice and hares. The females bring back the meat, and the males get first pick, eating until they are full. The females will then eat, and the cubs will get any leftovers. The lion is the largest African carnivore. I love the strong family ties and hierarchy, and they are fascinating to watch.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 06:31 AM PDT
This blog is intended for all of you new moms out there that are struggling with trying to lose weight. I was there in yours shoe four years ago. I had a baby five years ago, when I was 19 and didn't figure out how to get rid of the weight until a year later. I'm still trying to lose weight as I had another child. I must start by telling you that losing weight is not about starving yourself. When you eat too little, the only place you will feel lighter is the head. I am going to give you 10 best foods for losing weight after having a baby.

10. Steak

If you like meat, then I know you are going to really like this. The protein that is in the lean cuts of steak will help keep your muscle mass during weight loss. With this, you will be shedding more of that frustrating pudge. Try grilling or broiling a top round or sirloin. Slice it thinly and top it with a salad. This is definitely one of the best foods for losing weight after having a baby. Yummy.
Photo Credit: The Busy Brain

9. Eggs

Do you like eggs from your head to your toes? Then, this is definitely a breakfast staple for you. It can trim off inches. You will lose twice as many pounds if you consume eggs with toast and jelly every morning, instead of a bagel. Eggs are cheap and easy to prepare.

8. Lentils

These are beans that will help get rid of that belly bloat. It will also help to reduce your belt size. It is full of protein and soluble fiber. You can easily toss lentils in salads, pasta sauce or soups. I think this deserves to be on the list of 10 best foods for losing weight after having a baby.
Photo Credit: WordRidden
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 06:14 AM PDT
Move aside Zac Efron and Chace Crawford, it’s time for the new kids on the block! We’ve already dedicated a post to the hottest female teens and now it’s time for the boys. From achingly good looks to astonishing talent, these celebrities will leave you impressed and probably a little weak in the knees. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

12. Jason Dolley

Ah! The unfairness that is life. How can a 19 year old BOY have better hair than mine?! One of Disney’s many finds, you will recognize him as PJ Duncan on Disney’s Good Luck Charlie. Although, I don’t think he’s exceptionally good looking, I’d kill to have his silky mane!
jason fin

11. Dylan and Cole Sprouse

I will always remember these two as the little cute brats from The Suite Life of  Zack and Cody. Now that they’re 18 and all grown up, I can’t help but feel old and wonder how time flew. *sigh*

10. Ryan Sheckler

We girls have always had a special spot for athletes and proving to us that good looks and talent go hand in hand is professional skateboarder, Ryan Sheckler. With that killer bod, rugged good looks and eerie green eyes, I can see why so many young girls are mesmerized by him…
ryan fin

9. David Archuleta

Don’t you just love it when cute little boys grow up into hot men? Sure, David’s not quite there yet at 19, but  this  American Idol runner up can make many a hearts flutter with that goofy smile, puppy eyes and soulful voice.

8. Cody Linley

I’d rather die or run my hand through Robert Pattinson’s hair (can’t decide which is worse) than watch Hannah Montana but I know a good looking guy when I see one and Cody definitely fits the bill. Sure, he’s only had a recurring role as Hannah Montana’s zombie slaying on-off boyfriend and was on Dancing with the Stars Season 7 but something tells me, he has a starry bright future.
cody fin
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 04:34 AM PDT
I work with a cat charity, and while it's enormously rewarding work, I'm also very saddened by the number of pets who are abandoned. Sometimes it's circumstances, but there are a lot of factors to consider when thinking about getting a pet. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

1. Lifestyle

If you'd like a dog, do you have a garden? Can you walk it twice a day? Will it be left alone while you're at work?
Photo Credit: milikin

2. Finances

The purchase price or adoption fee is only the start of it. Can you afford vet's bills, vaccinations, food (especially if they need a special diet), medication if the animal develops a long-term health problem?
Photo Credit: Gnerk

3. Accommodation

Cats are probably more suitable for a flat, or a small caged animal. If you rent, does your lease allow pets?
Photo Credit: krobbie
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 04:28 AM PDT
There seems to be a healthy version of everything these days. From sandwiches to water and desserts, everything is low fat, low calorie and apparently, perfect for keeping your body in shape. Some health foods are worse than their full fat equivalent! So apart from triple chocolate cake, what else should you be avoiding?

1. Sushi

  Photo Credit: Bill Adams
Sushi is a fantastic food. Not only is it easy to find, it's got all the nutritional value of fish, and is a perfect diet food. Right? Well, most sushi is low calorie, but comes served with a spicy topping or cream cheese which are full of calories. And as sushi can taste quite bland on its own, the dips are necessary to add flavor. That's not to mention the misleading menus which only state the calories in the sushi itself…

2. Granola

Many of my friends swear by granola when they are trying to lose weight, but is it actually as good as it sounds? Nuts and oats are very good for you, and will give you a great complexion too, but manufacturers also pack it with oil to add crispness and sugar for flavor. Meaning a bowl can have 500 calories, without milk or topping…

3. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a great snack. It's easy to carry around in your handbag, and quick and tidy to eat. And as it’s fruit, it's low calorie, and full of goodness… or so I thought. A quick glance at a few packets shows that dried fruit contains 5 to 8 times more calories then hydrated fruit, as it has been compacted. So that raisin? 460 calories a cup. And fruit like peaches? Well, after sugar has been added to preserve them and keep them sweet, I wouldn't want to look…
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 03:45 AM PDT
Women dump their man for a variety of reasons. Most of them have a tendency to hang in there until they cannot take it anymore. If you are in a relationship and have some confusion, then I have 7 signs that it's time to leave your boyfriend. If you are a guy who is trying to look for 7 signs that it's time to leave your girlfriend, then you can find that as well. Just look through my profile and you will find it. I didn't leave you guy s out…

7. He ignores not only you, but your feelings as well

He ignores not only you, but your feelings as well
  Photo Credit: Tomitheos
Having a lack of empathy should be enough for you to know that it is time for the relationship to end. If your favorite pet dies and he does not care, then it may be time to move forward.

6. He's not there

He's not there
  Photo Credit: just.K
It seem almost as if he has became invisible. When you are with someone, they should be there for you. If you live in the same town and he doesn't really call to meet you, then he is probably not excited over you. If you are living under the same roof and he is searching for activities constantly that does not involve you, then it may be time to end the relationship.

5. You do not know him anymore

You do not know him anymore
  Photo Credit: Chrissie White
At one point in time, you felt as if you knew everything about him. Including his feelings, his thoughts, wants and what happens in his life. Now, everything has changed. He could have changed his job and you won't even know if. You can never be in a relationship with someone that you barely know.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 02:53 AM PDT
Every once in a while, a company will make a claim about one of their products making it sound more environmentally-friendly. I'm always glad when to hear about increased eco-friendliness, but some of the claims are downright ridiculous. Here is my list of 7 strange eco-friendly product claims, all of which are well-intentioned, but are still just not quite right…

1. Sun Chips "100% Compostable Chip Bag"

I love Sun Chips, especially the Harvest Cheddar flavor, and I'm delighted that they've spent the time and money to develop a bag for their chips that's 100% compostable. It works, too — I've put one in my compost bin and watched as it slowly disintegrated after about 3 months. This claim is a little ridiculous, though, since most chip bags end up in a plastic garbage bag, where they can't decompose.

2. Ice Mountain "Less Cap = Less Plastic"

Ice Mountain
Really? This is so entirely ridiculous, considering how many millions of plastic water bottles (literally) end up in landfills each year. Who cares about a smaller bottle cap compared to that?

3. American Spirit "Natural Cigarettes"

American Spirit
I'm absolutely not disputing that these cigarettes are indeed "natural," but again, in the face of what the product actually DOES, the harm it causes, who cares whether or not it's natural? Please.
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 02:50 AM PDT
Animal prints are forever popular, but can be a bit overwhelming in garment form. So here is my pick of the accessories to add the grrrrrowl factor to your outfit.

1. Scarf

You don't have to spend a lot on a cute scarf. This gorgeous leopard print sparkle scarf is only a fiver.

2. Belt

This belt would go really well with a plain dress – buy something similar on eBay and it will be winging its way to you in no time.

3. Bag

Isn't this just the cutest bag? Pray that it's back in stock soon …
Posted: 27 Jun 2010 12:54 AM PDT
There are some drinks in the world that you should avoid, no matter what. I know, many of these drinks are good, but that certainly does not mean they are good for you. These drinks can cause cavities and tooth decay, because of the high sugar content. Below, I am going to give you the top 7 worst drinks to have…

7. SoBe Adrenaline Rush

I know, you love having an adrenaline rush, but there are some things that should be avoided! The sugar content in this is 4.22 Grams Per Ounce. It would be better if it were named SoBe Sugar Rush!

6. Sunkist Orange Soda

Sunkist is popular in the United States. It is joining us as it has 4.33 grams of sugar per ounce. Apart from the high sugar content, it is not popular because of what it can do to the teeth! Soda hurts the teeth because of the acidic characteristics.

5. Tropicana Twister Soda

We are sure you have heard of this one! For every twenty ounces of this soda, you will be consuming 87.5 grams of sugar. The acidity level in it makes it even worst as it causes cavities.
Posted: 26 Jun 2010 11:47 PM PDT
Contrary to popular belief, the winter holidays are not the most wonderful time of the year — that would have to be summer! I love the warm sunshine, the slinky sundresses, and most of all, the pretty summer accessories… shoes and hats and necklaces and more! I don't know where to start, but this is what I've spied so far. Here are my picks for the 8 best accessories for summer…

1. Strawberry Lemonade Necklace

Strawberry Lemonade Necklace
Price: $38 at
A little sweet, a little sour, tart and refreshing, perfect for summer: strawberry lemonade in a tall, damp glass, and this pretty yellow-and-pink necklace 'round your neck. Wear it to celebrate the sunniest season with a pretty sundress or to dress up a casual short-set.

2. Vernal Festoon Necklace

Vernal Festoon Necklace
Price: $58 at
A riot of sunny, vivid colors for wearing anytime, all summer long. Pair with dark, flowing skirts and a sheer blouse, or with an otherwise bland, neutral work suit. Or wear it with your best Little Black Dress to an outdoor late-June wedding… it's rather like bringing your own posey…

3. Wee Flower Pot Posts

Wee Flower Pot Posts
Price: $24 at
In mid-winter, no-one would ever guess your passion for the garden, but come summer, the tell-tale green under your carefully manicured nails give you away. So do these delicate, vintage-inspired post earrings, in three sea-side, garden-gorgeous hues (cream, coral, or turquoise).
Posted: 26 Jun 2010 12:08 PM PDT
Everyone wants perfect skin. After all, it's the bodies biggest organ, and everybodys going to see it. Beautiful skin also does its job much more efficiently, eliminating waste, digesting food and transporting nutrients, which can leave you much healthier, as well as much prettier. I've always thought that it was something you had or you didn't, and you couldn't change it, but recently I visited a dermatologist who gave me some simple advice on how to improve my skin. It worked! So here are my 7 steps to perfect skin for you…

1. Alkalize Your Body

Alkalize Your Body
Photo Credit: janinehealy
Having too much acid in your diet is very bad for your skin and is surprisingly easy to do. Vinegar, alcohol, margarine, mustard, pork, beef, salmon, yellow cheeses, pickles, nuts and rice all contain high levels of acid, and these are very common foods. You don't need to cut them out though, simply moderate them to enjoy no more than three a day, if you can. You can also neutralize them by adding more alkaline foods to your diet. Peppers, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, lemons, limes and wheatgrass are all alkaline, and are fairly easy to include in a meal.

2. Avoid Snacking

Avoid Snacking
Photo Credit: Gigi & Big Red
While you sleep, your body produces and releases a hormone called Melatonin. This hormone protects against DNA damage, and also nourishes the skin. A recent 12 year study on monkeys showed that those who did not consume too many unnecessary calories produced more Melatonin, which meant their skin was in a better condition. However, the study also showed that starving yourself and having less than the recommended number of calories was equally as bad for Melatonin production, and the skin looked visibly older and in much worse condition, so don't cut your calories down completely.

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