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7 Summer Safety Tips, 7 Ways to Boost Your Energy During the Day

7 Summer Safety Tips …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 11:04 AM PDT

We all know how to have fun during the summer, but do we all know how to be safe? According to the state police where I live, summer means more deadly accidents than even the snowiest winter. We need to be careful! Here are 7 summer safety tips to remember while you're out there, enjoying the sun.

1. Always wear your seat belt

Always wear your seat belt
Photo Credit: Bradley Spitzer

No matter where you're headed this summer, make sure you always, always wear your seat belt. I have a friend that's an EMT first responder, and here's what he has to say: I've never had to cut a dead person out of their safety belt. Good enough for me. Wear it for every car ride, every time.

2. Use appropriate sun protection

Use appropriate sun protection
Photo Credit: cedarkayak

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, more than all other cancers combined. And the number one cause of skin cancer is sun exposure. Make sure you're protected! Apply an appropriate sunblock 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure, and reapply every two hours.

3. Beware of bugs

Beware of bugs
Photo Credit: yerffej9

Summer here in Michigan means mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, among other nasty little bugs. Some of them carry the deadly West Nile and Lyme Disease viruses, so keep on the lookout for bugs, and if you're going into the woods, wear a bug spray.

9 Super Easy Ways To Save Money …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 10:02 AM PDT

A penny saved is a penny earned! A penny may amount to nothing, but as hard as it is to get ahead, I look for ways to save as much as possible. I've scoured the Internet and compiled a list of the easiest ways to shave money from your grocery bill. I hope you can use these ideas!

1. Buy Organic

Buy Organic
  Photo Credit: lawineaux

It is true organics are more expensive than regular versions, but these items generally go on sell more often because their price is higher. Take advantage of the sales and use coupons during the sale. You will get better quality products at a great price.

2. Buy the Store Brand

Buy the Store Brand
  Photo Credit: Carrie Musgrave |

Store brands are (sometimes) just as high quality as name brand. Why pay more for a name? And store circulars sometimes run coupons for their store products. Use the coupon, and stock up on the item while it is on sale.

3. Search the Store

Search the Store
  Photo Credit: Waffle Whiffer

Don't rely strictly on the store circular for specials. Stores run more deals in the store than they do in their ad paper. Be sure and keep a watch for advertisements in the store.

5 Yummy Dishes to Start the Week With…

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 07:37 AM PDT

1. Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies

Doesn’t the name just make you smile? This one is “light,” too for those who are weight conscious. Perfect mates for your coffee and for simple snacking.

2. Crepe

I swear I salivated when I checked out the combos that Gina wrote about. Crepe with apple, cinnamon and raw goat cheddar? Sounds super yum!

3. Creamy and Fruity Jello Dessert

This delightful dessert is brought to us by Suburban Grandma. Only 5 ingredients and no baking involved — my kind of recipe!

4. Sloppy Joe’s

For some strange reason, Sloppy Joe’s always takes me back to watching that Olsen twins movie “It Takes Two” for the first time. Here is Christina’s recipe for those who love this comfort food.

5. Blueberry Tiramisu

This particular recipe will result into something so pretty you’ll not want to eat it. Not really. I bet you’ll finish what you’ll make without sharing.

8 Gorgeous Older Male Celebs …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 06:21 AM PDT

You can keep your pretty boys – I've always thought that older men have that edge that makes them so much more fanciable. Many just get better and better with maturity (I loathe the word age). I must say, I've never got the Brad Pitt thing, but these eight handsome devils are welcome to give me a call anytime …

1. George Clooney has to be number one

George Clooney has to be number one
Proof that men look great with grey hair, he is even better looking than in his early days on ER. Mr Clooney may be nearly 50, but he'll always be Gorgeous George to me. I think I'll still be drooling ovr him whe he's 90 (well, I won't be far behind).

  Photo Credit: Pulicciano

2. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp
Now this I do get. I might sometimes wish that Mr Depp would remember to shave, but he's still got it. Pity there's so much competition for his affections though. Still, he's not the only gorgeous older male celeb around …

  Photo Credit: nono6400

3. Hugh Laurie

Hugh Laurie
Now, I remember Hugh from his comedy days, and I can tell you that he's definitely improved with age. If I ever found myself in hospital, Dr House can treat me any time. I don't even mind how rude he is, I'd just be rude right back! How long is your stethoscope, Doctor …

  Photo Credit: neverland_rose

7 Ways to Sneakily Get Him into Shape …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 04:33 AM PDT

Most men put on pounds over the winter, but unlike women, they aren't always as keen to shed them before the summer comes. Instead of lusting over his pre-winter bod, you could help him shed the pounds. Coming out with it directly risks hurting his feelings, though, and creates an insecurity. Instead, use these 7 sneaky ways to get him into shape without him noticing.

1. Date Night


Instead of a typical movie and popcorn date night, pick something more energetic. Salsa lessons, dancing at the club (without alcohol), bowling… anything that is active, and that you can do together. Not only will he shed the pounds, but you'll feel much closer and get fit together, too.

2. Drinking

Photo Credit: defekto

Men love beer, so cutting it out completely is far too harsh. Instead, monitor his drinking habits. When he is drinking at home, or where you are around, get him a glass of water between pints. This will help to prevent a hangover and keep the body hydrated, but it will also make him feel fuller. Beer contains a lot of calories for no real benefit, so filling him up on water will make him drink much less.

3. Compete

Men are competitive by nature, so appeal to this side of him. Avoid a diet competition, though, as this could make him stop eating. Instead, suggest a hike, or a fundraising trip up a hill. You can train together, and lose weight together!

7 Ways to Boost Your Energy During the Day …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 03:30 AM PDT

Wouldn't you like to feel more energetic during the day? Maybe you just need a simple detox, such as the lemonade diet also known as the Master Cleanse diet, because as your body ages, it gets sluggish thanks to all the toxins that you eat and breathe every day. If you have tried a detox diet and are still feeling sluggish, then it is time to learn 7  new ways to boost your energy during the day…

7. Stay on a normal sleep schedule

Stay on a normal sleep schedule
Photo Credit: . SantiMB .

Wouldn't it make sense that you need to stay on a normal sleep schedule? As much as you want to, you cannot stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights and then expect to go to bed early on Sunday and wake up feeling fully rested.

6. Avoid that caffeine and sugar roller coaster

Avoid that caffeine and sugar roller coaster
Photo Credit: Terry_Lea

Are you victim to the caffeine and sugar roller coaster? Try to stay away from it. I know, I know, it's your only way of getting more energy, however, it is the wrong way. Instead, try consuming protein as well as food that includes a bit of fat each morning. The brain is in need of protein and the body does not store this. You do not have to eat much. Try a glass of low fat milk, a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese.

5. Drink more water

Drink more water
Photo Credit: B℮n

Yes, everyone says to drink more fluids, I know, but I could not leave this off of my list. Besides, people have a tendency to forget about water! So many are going through dehydration, because they have filled up on tea, coffee and sodas that have caffeine. Keep a bottle filled with some of your favorite flavored water or just plain water and keep it with you.

7 Exercises to Tone Your Legs this Summer…

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 03:02 AM PDT

Spring has finally come, and summer won't be that far behind it. For some of us, summer lasts longer than for others, but chances are that at some point we'll be putting our legs on display. Here are some ways to tone them up so they can do those  cute shorts justice.

1. Pilates

I'd recommend going to a class if you are new to this, although there are videos available on the internet, and many books.

Photo Credit: Pepspix

2. Stationary Workout


Work out while sitting down! Read this article for some tips:

3. Cycling

Cycling is good for you all-round, but will certainly get those legs in shape!

Photo Credit: Lee Sie

7 Lost House-Wife Arts …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 02:58 AM PDT

It wasn't so long ago that being a house-wife was a meaningful full-time job, not something just a few women did if they were lucky enough to have a husband with a well-paying job. Unfortunately, the house-wife is becoming a lost breed, and the valuable arts of the house-wife are being forgotten in the wake of convenience (the microwave!) and time (full-time jobs and soccer practice!). A lot of us don't even know how to do half of these things, all skills house-wives had to possess only a few decades ago. Here they are, seven of the lost hose-wife arts…

1. Cooking

Photo Credit: theladymargaret

I know, right? Cooking? Who has time to cook from scratch, when there's boxed rice and take-away? It used to be standard for a house-wife to go to the butcher in the morning, buy a cut of meat, then spend the afternoon preparing it. Now we only get to cook from scratch for special occasions… which is a shame, since cooking from scratch is most often more nutritious and tasty.

2. Baking

Photo Credit: MrLomo

Right up there with the lost art of cooking is the lost art of baking. Flour, yeast, water… what else goes into bread? And no, cookies DON'T come in a refrigerated roll. Scones, biscuits and cakes from scratch? What? Trust me, this is an art we need to re-capture!

3. Gardening

Photo Credit: wazka(maya)dragonfly

Some of us may still plant a few rows of bright pansies or mums each year, but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean a family-feeding vegetable garden, with squash, melons, beans, tomatoes, oregano, and more. Food that we would pick and prepare, or pick and store for the winter. Canned spaghetti sauce? Not a chance, if you grow your own tomatoes.

Top 7 Exercises to Tighten up the Buttocks …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 12:56 AM PDT

Are you happy with the shape your butt is in? Most people are not. They're too saggy, too flabby, too big, too small and this list could continue going on forever. The right weight training activities and cardio exercise is needed. These can make a big difference on your backside. Below, I am going to give you the top 7 exercises to tighten up the buttocks…

7. Squats

Surely, you know what squats are. These are very popular and well known for tightening up the buttocks. This is one of the best exercises you can do for your thighs, hips and butt. It will help you build strength for a variety of daily activities.

6. Back leg lifts

Have you ever heard of the back leg lifts? This will require you lying on your front as you are resting on your elbows. Slightly bend your right leg and keep the foot flexed. Raise up your left leg and stretch it as far as you can as you are pointing the foot. Do sixteen of these lifts on each side.

5. Two point kneel

This is an exercise that strengthens and co-ordinates the stabilizing muscles that are in the hip. This will require you balancing on one knee and the opposite hand with the opposite leg and arm stretched out. Stay balanced in this position. Reverse the position and hold for a couple of seconds, then repeat.

Top 8 Shoes for this Summer …

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 12:15 AM PDT

It's time to gear up for the summer time again! There are so many lovely shoes that you can wear during the summer months. Some of them can carry your all the way into fall and winter. Below, I am going to give you the top 8 shoes for the summer I am personally lusting after…

8. Black Suede High Heel Shoes

Black Suede High Heel Shoes
Price: $960.00 at
To start with, these shoes are made in Italy, so you know they are going to be good. The rounded toe is embellished by a satin bow and metal mesh. It also has a Swarovski stone on it. It has been re-interpreted with a double ankle strap.

7. Women’s Spring Step Marsi

Women's Spring Step Marsi
Price: $69.95 at
I'm not really into flat shoes, like these, but I figured that since it is the Spring time, I had to add some color in here! The yellow looks great. I think you could wear these on the beach and get away with it. What do you think?

6. The Casa shoe from Jessica Simpson

The Casa shoe from Jessica Simpson
Price: $59.99 at
I'm not that big of a fan of Jessica Simpson, but I can't turn down these shoes. I think they are adorable and they are just my style. The combination of the towering heel and the feminine bow really go hand and hand. Do you like these shoes? Where would you wear them this summer?

Philosophy “When Hope is not Enough” Review…

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 12:06 AM PDT

Just because I'm getting older doesn't mean I want to LOOK like I'm getting older! I'm especially concerned about the signs of aging on my face, around my eyes, on my forehead, around my mouth. Who in my age group isn't? Recently I received a sample of Philosophy's "When Hope is not Enough," and started using it with their "Hope in a Jar" and "Microdelivery." And I have to say, the three of them together, with "Help Me" is hands-down the best skin regimen I've ever tried… and that's saying a lot…

Price: $38 at

Just so you know: the Microdelivery is step one, an exfoliating wash. Hope in a Jar is the second step, a gentle, soufflé-texture moisturizer. The third and final step in my morning regimen is five drops of When Hope is not Enough, a firming serum. You simple squeeze five drops into your palms, then rub it gently over your face and neck. It gives a soothing cooling sensation that I imagine will feel wonderful in the summer… and it really, really works. After four weeks of using all three morning products, I have seen a real difference in my skin — it looks smoother, rosier, and most of all, YOUNGER. Fine lines have diminished, especially around my eyes and mouth, and my pores actually look smaller!

The serum comes in a dropper-bottle, so it's easy to dispense. It absorbs quickly, and is very, very light. The scent is slightly medicinal, herbal, and very pleasant. I love that I can wear it right under my make-up, and I love how soft and smooth my skin looks and feels! I tend to only use it in my morning regimen, as I use a retinol cream (called Help Me, from the Philosophy line) at night. I really enjoy using When Hope is Not Enough, and I don't think I'll ever stop using it!

8 Ways to Please Your Husband …

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 12:15 PM PDT

Being married is a wonderful thing. Even after many years of marriage, it is still possible to please one another with little things from time to time. I find that the simplest things make my husband happy. I've gone through my long mental list of things that I know make him happy so that you can have some ideas as well. The following are 8 ways to please your husband, no matter how long you have been married.

8. Cook him something he really likes


The saying about “the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach” holds true for most men. At least, I know it does with my husband! We often have the same type of meals each month, but every now and then I'll spice it up with one of his favorite recipes; shrimp sautéed in garlic. I don't tell him I'm making it; I just do it and watch his face light up.

7. Surprise him


Even the littlest things can be a great surprise. Renting an action movie that you know he likes and bringing home some pizza to go with it is a surprise that most husbands like. Mine likes it when I bake a dessert he hasn't had for a very long time, since we don't usually have dessert after meals. You could even send your husband a text message that simply says 'I love you'. These are just a few examples of things I've done in the past that have had very good results.

6. Let him know you care

Couple Hug

After being married for many years, some people start to assume their spouse already knows how much they are cared about. However, it's still nice to hear it first-hand. Telling your husband you love him and/or appreciate what he does should please him to no end. Guys may not always say it, but they do tend to wonder if they are being good husbands.

7 Pros and Cons of Starting Your Own Business …

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 12:04 PM PDT

Who hasn't spent a lunch hour or two daydreaming of owning their own business, being their own boss? I know I have — so I actually did start my own business… three of them, actually, and one is still going strong. It's not all fun and games, though, but there are advantages. If you're considering opening your own shop or salon or charity group, here are some pros and cons of starting your own business to consider…

1. Pro: You make your own hours

Pro: You make your own hours
  Photo Credit: lynne_b

The first thing most people say they think they'll love about starting their own business is that they'll get to make their own hours, and only work when they want to. Don't want to work Saturdays or Tuesdays? Then you can decide to close your business, or just not work, on those days.

2. Con: You'll be working all the time

Con: You'll be working all the time
  Photo Credit:

On the other hand, once you're in business for yourself, you'll find that you end up working a lot more than you ever did when you were working for someone else. You won't leave anything undone at the end of the day.

3. Pro: You'll be in charge

Pro: You'll be in charge
  Photo Credit: Ryan Brenizer

If you're in business for yourself, who will you have to answer to if you're five minutes late or misplace a report? No-one! You don't answer to anyone when you're the one and only boss, so you are free to make, and learn from, small mistakes.

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